Download 괴물 Full Streaming
Download 괴물 Movie Streaming with duration 119 Min and released on 2006-07-27 with MPAA rating is 68.- Original Title : 괴물
- Movie title in your country : 괴물
- Year of movie : 2006
- Genres of movie : Drama, Horror, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2006-07-27
- Companies of movie : Cineclick Asia, Happinet Pictures, Cheongeoram, CJ Capital Investment,
- Countries of movie : South Korea,
- Language of movie : 한국어/조선말,
- Durationof movie : 119 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.9
- Youtube ID of movie : 7kHKfN_VdUc
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,TR,FR,PT,ES,ZH,FI,RU,PL,HU,KO,
- Cast of movie :
- Song Kang-ho ( Park Gang-du )
- Byeon Hie-bong ( Park Hie-bong )
- Park Hae-Il ( Park Nam-il )
- DooNa Bae ( Park Nam-joo )
- Ko Ah-Sung ( Park Hyun-seo )
괴물 Synopsis:
Online Streaming 괴물 Gang-du is a dim-witted man working at his father's tiny snack bar near the Han River. One day, Gang-du's one and only daughter Hyun-seo comes back from school irritated. She is angry at her uncle, Nam-il, who visited her school as her guardian shamelessly drunk. Ignoring her father's excuses for Nam-il, Hyun-seo is soon engrossed in her aunt Nam-joo's archery tournament on TV. Meanwhile, outside of the snack bar, people are fascinated by an unidentified object hanging onto a bridge. In an instant, the object reveals itself as a terrifying creature turning the riverbank into a gruesome sea of blood¡¦ Amid the chaos, Hyun-seo is helplessly snatched up by the creature right before Gang-du's eyes. These unforeseen circumstances render the government powerless to act. But receiving a call of help from Hyun-seo, the once-ordinary citizen Gang-du and his family are thrust into a battle with the monster to rescue their beloved Hyun-seo. Watch Movie 괴물 Streaming In HD
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Director : Bong Joon-ho , Screenplay : Chul-hyun Baek, Screenplay : Bong Joon-ho , Producer : Yong-bae Choi, Original Music Composer : Byungwoo Lee, Director of Photography : Hyung-ku Kim, Editor : Sun-min Kim, Casting : John Jackson, Production Design : Seong-hie Ryu,
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